Artisan Small Batch Essential Oils and Hydrosols from Baker Creek Lavender Farm
Baker Creek Lavender Farm practices ethical and sustainable harvesting of our organically grown lavender, herbs and wild crafted plants. We started our lavender farm from bare dirt filled with wild sage brush. To prepare for the lavender we had to start with removing all the sage brush and turning the soil over. Then the preparing began with tilling the soil, installing weed block, designing and installing the irrigation drip system, then planting. We have nurtured our lavender plants and herbs with hand harvesting with love and gratefulness in our hearts and minds. It takes three years for a lavender plant to fully mature. Healthy lavender plants can produce for 10 years or more. We are there every step of the way.
Our Essential Oils and Hydrosols are small batch, steam distilled on the same day the plants are harvested to produce the finest most exquisite, freshest aromatic Essential Oils and Hydrosols available. This whole process from start to finish has only two people and four hands involved throughout, my amazing wife, Mary, and myself. We have had family and friends who have volunteered their time to us when we needed help and we appreciate and love them very much. The process cannot be massed produced and sets in motion a unique palatable life force in our plants that can be felt in the end product “Viriditas”.
The native plants that grow on the farm and surrounding area, are harvested at peak times. We are so grateful for the plants, trees and shrubs we harvest and thank them when we harvest them. We carefully and sustainably trim them to promote future health and growth. We extend our environmental stewardship to every aspect of our farm. Mary and I truly have a symbiotic relationship with our plants and land, knowing the land loves and cares for us as we love and care for the land. There is no greater honor to share our love that goes into each or our products than with you. We value high-quality products at fair prices so more people can experience the many benefits our products convey.
Thank you for watching our farm grow! We look forward to many years of enjoyment on the farm sharing it with all of you!